Creating sustainable and resilient projects

We identify the most suitable land for renewable energy projects and guide landowners through the solar leasing and project commencement process

ASTRX Origination

ASTRX Origination is a solar site identification firm managed by Chris Goldie a site identification expert with 10 years of experience in the energy and environmental industry. Through grid data and GIS mapping analytics, I identify the most suitable land in the country for solar development.

What we do

Once a suitable site is selected, we guide landowners through the developer selection and leasing process with some of the nation’s top developers.

With 5 years of direct project development experience with a leading nationwide solar developer, I have first-hand knowledge into all the factors that make a site suitable for development as well as a deep understanding of how developers think when negotiating leases.

In partnering with some of the top developers in the state, I’m dedicated to developing community-integrated solar farms that align climate solutions with empowered communities.

I look forward to working with landowners to bring their vision to reality.